KabArt is capable of capturing images using manned or unmanned aerial vehicles. Additionally, it has expertise in LiDAR technology, particularly for use in forested areas.
Aerial images with resolutions ranging from 8 to 30 cm are captured using manned aircraft, while unmanned aerial vehicles can increase this resolution to 3-5 cm. KabArt has the capability, knowledge, and experience to capture and process these aerial images and then produce orthophotos and digital surface models (DSM).
KabArt has the capability, knowledge, and experience to produce at a national scale from aerial images taken with manned aircraft. Additionally, if desired, KabArt can also play a consulting role in setting up the mentioned production line.
KabArt has expertise in the photogrammetric production chain from start to finish, including field survey, flight planning, GNSS/IMU processing, triangulation, orthophoto, and DSM/DTM production. KabArt also offers on-the-job training for the transfer of know-how in all these areas.
We can prepare a 3D city model in the digital surface models obtained from high resolution aerial photographs.